Responsibility we bear
Sustainable thinking and action are essential components of our daily work. We take responsibility and are committed to living sustainability in our organization out of conviction. Ecologically, economically and socially. As a partner to the automotive industry, we do our part to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.
We make great efforts for energy efficiency, zero emissions and climate‐neutral production, in which we also involve our partners and suppliers.
Our sustainability target
Our goal is to reduce the emissions of our production worldwide to zero on balance by 2027.
Based on our customer agreements, we also aim to offer zero-emission products on balance worldwide.
Our sustainability path
Measures that work
We responsibly implement measures that noticeably reduce risks to the environment and climate and contribute to a low‐carbon automotive industry. Since 2022, we have covered almost 100 percent of the electricity requirements of our plants worldwide from renewable sources. With energy‐efficient production, we increase our competitiveness and sustainably conserve resources.
Since 2020, REHAU has joined the UN Global Compact initiative on corporate responsibility and its principles in the human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption committed.
Further information:
As part of the network, the REHAU Group is obliged to publish a report once a year on the extent to which it is implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and in which areas progress has been made or there is a need for action. The results of the REHAU Global Compact Progress Report have been published on the UN Global Compact website and can be viewed here.
Download 2022 Fact Report
REHAU is publishing its eighth sustainability report for 2022 based on Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and the European sustainability reporting Standard.
This report is optimised for viewing in Adobe Acrobat. If you want to read the report online, we recommend Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Other browsers may not support all features.